Melbourne Hand Rehab, expert hand therapy

Can you see a hand therapist during stage 4 lockdown? 




Our hands are our life. If you’ve suffered a hand injury or are experiencing pain, it’s important to seek appropriate treatment.


The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, have made it very clear that, during stage 4 lock down restrictions, you should still seek the healthcare you need.


The main points that you need to be aware of are:

  • You DO NOT need a GP referral to see our therapists.
  • You CAN travel outside the 5km radius to receive healthcare (use your appointment SMS as proof of service).
  • Face-to-face appointments are permitted to prevent a significant change or deterioration in your ability to function in your daily life. Telehealth is available for the continuation of your regular care during stage 4.
Patient receiving expert hand therapy treatment at Melbourne Hand Rehab



If you are in pain, and worried your condition may deteriorate, it’s important that you seek the health care you need.


If in doubt as to whether your condition is considered ‘essential care’, please contact us on 03 7034 6973. We can determine how best we can help you.


The following conditions give you an idea of what may be considered acceptable to attend:


  • Possible fractures and dislocations – from falls, trips or accidents at home, during exercise or work
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Work injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Chronic pain and CRPS
  • Arm pain and associated work related symptoms
  • Joint issues with persistent swelling
Melbourne Hand Rehab staff wearing facemarks as part of our COVID-19 response.

Please refer to Our Response to COVID-19 to find out the additional precautions that we have in place in all of our clinics.


If you’d like to know more about our hand therapy service  please call Melbourne Hand Rehab on:

03 7034 6973 



Simply choose:

  • Your most clinic location: Melbourne Hand Rehab has 10 clinics in convenient locations
  • Choose your practitioner: Find out more about our therapists here
  • Choose the time and date that best suits you


What happens if I get assessed and my injury isn’t deemed ‘essential’?

  • When you attend the clinic, you’ll get to assessed, then be given a diagnosis and treatment plan.
  • If your therapist deems your injury ‘essential’, you’ll be able to attend for further face-to-face sessions. If you have a less urgent issue, you’ll be able to continue your care via telehealth.
  • If in doubt on what to do, please contact the clinic on 03 7034 6973. We’ll guide you as to how best we can help you.


For more information see the DHHS website HERE

At Melbourne Hand Rehab we are pleased to be able to offer a choice for Hand Therapy:


In Clinic  •  Telehealth  • Home Visit


For enquiries and appointments please call 03 7034 6973 or conveniently book online.