Hand Therapy Webinars

Free Hand Therapy Webinars


Introducing Melbourne Hand Rehab educational hand therapy webinars (online seminars). This series of webinars are FREE and cover commonly occurring hand therapy conditions.


Our webinars are presented by our experienced hand therapists and are designed to help you learn more about your hand condition and recovery.


Our Hand Therapy Webinars are now available to watch on-demand.


Hand therapy webinar topics include:

Woman holding an apple with arthritis in her hands

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Webinar now available to watch on-demand


A hand therapy webinar for you to learn more about rheumatoid arthritis and treatment options available.


Understand the pain and symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis and techniques to manage them. An introduction to the SARAH Management Program, a new evidence based ‘stretch and strengthening’ program which is specifically designed to help the rheumatoid arthritis condition.

Women with arthritis struggling to open a jar

Osteoarthritis Management


Webinar now available to watch on-demand


Information designed to provide a better understanding of osteoarthritis and an overview of the most up-to-date hand therapy options for treating and managing the condition.


Learn how hand therapy can help manage your arthritis and reduce pain symptoms. An introduction to joint protection, splint options and exercises.

Mother holding new baby

Hand Conditions that Affect New Parents


Webinar now available to watch on-demand


It’s common for parents to develop hand pain due to the additional load that a new baby has on the muscles in your wrist and thumb. You may have heard of it referred to as ‘Mummy Hands’ or ‘Dad’s Thumb’?


We discuss the conditions that arise when handling a new born baby, including: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis and techniques on how to hold and manage your new baby.

Man suffering from chronic wrist pain

Managing Chronic Wrist Pain


Webinar now available to watch-on demand


How to manage and recover from chronic wrist pain and the new evidence based SMoC Program – a sensorimotor control-based exercise program for patients with chronic wrist pain.

Webinar Registrations

Watch on-demandRheumatoid ArthritisClick to register
Watch on-demandOsteoarthritisClick to register
Watch on-demandNew ParentsClick to register
Watch on-demandChronic Wrist PainClick to register

For more information or to register for a free webinar:


Call  03 9458 5166


Email  info@melbournehand.com.au


Use the Webinar Registrations link, or enquiries form below


    Osteoarthritis management
    New parents – hand conditions that affect new parents
    Rheumatoid arthritis and the SARAH management program
    Managing chronic wrist pain and SMoC program

    HOW CAN WE HELP?  For enquiries and more information about our Webinar Series please call 03 9458 5166.