16 Aug Applications are open for our 2022 Hand Therapy Fellowship
2022 Hand Therapy Fellowship
Our Hand Therapy Fellowship is a one year program designed to support excellence in hand therapy training and development for early career physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
- You will be paid a full time salary for 4 days of clinical work and one dedicated training and study day per week.
- Each week you will have 2 one on one tutorials with your dedicated mentor, skills sessions, tutorials, private study time to complete the weeks lessons and observation time with a senior therapist.
- You will attend our monthly group seminar and our fortnightly group case study as well as 2 Saturday morning training days with the whole therapy team.
- Your private practice training will include in house training as well as paid attendance at the iMoveU weekend course with Peter Flynn and Michael Rizk.
- We kick the year off with a one week immersion in the third week of January 2022.
- 3 places will be offered in 2022.
For full details > Hand Therapy Fellowship
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