20 Mar COVID 19 infection control training
COVID-19 is impacting us all and these are extraordinary times. As part of of our ongoing commitment to keeping our team and community safe, we are pleased to announce that as of today all Melbourne Hand Rehab practitioners and admin team members have completed their certification in the Australian Government Department of Health COVID-19 infection control training.
This training is for care workers across all health care settings and covers fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19.
This training is in addition to increased cleaning protocols including wiping down surfaces and asking patients to wash their hands on arrival. Our treatment rooms are a low risk and low volume practice with 1-2 practitioners and 1-2 patients per hour. We are also offering online video consults (Telehealth) where possible and appropriate to provide hand therapy for those isolating at home.
We are continually reviewing our procedures and are working closely with the relevant health and government authorities to ensure the wellbeing of our community.
For more information, call us directly on 03 9458 5166