22 Apr Hand Therapy Home Visits
During this time of social distancing and isolation, it has never been more important to ensure that we maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. At Melbourne Hand Rehab we understand that all aspects of your life are affected by your ability to use your hands, and want to ensure that our patients can access the treatment they need and keep their rehab on track. Due to current events, there has been an increased enquiries about our telehealth and home-visit services – how they work and who are they suited for. As each patient’s needs and circumstances are different, we are proud to be able to offer diverse ways for our patients to receive expert hand therapy treatment.
For those for whom video consult or travelling to clinic is not appropriate, home visit consults may offer the perfect solution.
Home-visits are suitable for clients who are seeking treatment but are having concerns or difficulty leaving the home. This is particularly well suited for:
- elderly clients at home or in care facilities,
- young parents finding it difficult to travel with infants and children, or after C-section
- persons with short – or long-term limited mobility status
- people who generally prefer the convenience of a home visit
As well as offering exercise programs and advice, a mobile splinting pan allows therapists to provide splinting and splint adjustments on site at your home.
Leaving my son at home was just not an option for me as a new mum, and my wrist pain meant I wasn’t able to drive to attend a clinic. This [home-visit hand therapy] has been a great option for me.
Honey P
Making a home-visit hand therapy appointment is simple! Simply get in touch with Melbourne Hand Rehab admin staff who will discuss processes, arrange pre-payment, and ask you some questions to get the ball rolling.
Your hand therapist will arrive at your home at your agreed appointment time and you will have your hand therapy at home. Shortly afterward, your management plan and an online home exercise program will be sent to you via email.
At Melbourne Hand Rehab we value being able to offer services to the whole community – overcoming barriers to be able to offer treatment to everybody.
If you feel you could benefit from home-visit hand therapy, call us directly on 03 9458 5166
Frequently asked questions about our Home Visit service
> See our Home Visit service page for more information