21 Oct Equipment & techniques used in hand therapy
Every day at Melbourne Hand Rehab, our dedicated therapists work with clients to achieve meaningful goals and important outcomes.
In the same way that a tradesperson uses quality tools to achieve best results, Melbourne Hand clinics use and recommend high quality, trusted products to get you back on track.
Settle in for a read as we show off some of our favourite tools of the trade!
Foam Blocks
Foam blocks come in a variety of colours with corresponding graded resistances. These provide a suitable strengthening challenge for patients who are in the early stages of recovering their grip strength. For a challenge, we can attempt to hide this sponge from sight by squeezing the foam into a tight ball within our fist.
One of my favourite, creativity-inspiring, and versatile toys in the shop is theraputty. We use a high-quality putty which is graded into specific resistances ranging from lightweight to very, very firm. Theraputty exercises can be used to strengthen and build endurance throughout the whole hand. In fact, there are exercises to strengthen every muscle!
Gripping, grasping, pinching, pulling, pushing, drawing, rolling, flattening, clawing- theraputty is indispensable due to its versatility. By moulding and modelling, putty can help to develop fine motor skills.
After recovery goals are met, putty often finds a second life entertaining the kids.
CanDo Bar
Following wrist immobilisation, the functional task of ‘wringing’ is an important milestone, one that involves considerable strength and movement throughout the wrists and hands.
A CanDo bar provides a pathway to this twisting goal. It doubles as a resistive bar for bending, and can even be wobbled to assist in the development of wrist stability with unpredictable loads. Not to be overlooked!
For strengthening of the wrist, arms, shoulders, and back- nothing beats theraband. Theraband ribbons offer resistances similar to those offered by dumbbells, but are lightweight, portable, and versatile. These brightly coloured bands have built and maintained a reputation as an essential rehabilitation tool- and that’s the reason they are found in physiotherapy clinics across the globe.
Dumbbells are a classic staple of strengthening and rehab. One would be hard pressed to find a gym without access to these items! And that is because they are tried and true.
Dumbbells are good for more than just bicep curls; they can be used to improve grip and wrist strength, improve shoulder health, and special grips can emphasize development of specific muscle groups.
If you don’t have weights at home but want to keep building your strength and increasing your mobility? Here’s Karen discussing some common items you can use to keep progressing with your rehab.
Home Gym
Not all integral rehab items at Melbourne Hand Rehab are out of the ordinary. The humble tennis ball and elastic band are found in most households. These are fundamental tools in strengthening the recovering thumb.
Brooms and hammers are a common sight both across out clinics and at home. These are used for building strength and control of the muscles that turn the palm up and down.
However, the most important rehab tool of all is something everyone already has: our own body! There are just some exercises the human body is already well suited for. These don’t need extra equipment, just a bit of coaching along the way to ensure you are getting the most out of your efforts. Our therapists are experts in guiding safe and effective exercise programs.
At Melbourne Hand, there has been a lot of forethought and planning put into providing quality and safe products that are designed to help you achieve your treatment goals.
All of these items and more can be purchased through Melbourne Hand clinics. If you are interested in finding out more or need to do a resupply run, our therapists and reception staff can help guide you toward the right product for your needs.
For more information, call us directly on 03 9458 5166
If you have recently sustained a hand injury or if you are concerned about tingling or numbness in your hands why not book an appointment today with one of our physiotherapists or occupational therapists.