12 Mar Benefits of custom made splints
At Melbourne Hand Rehab we offer a variety of splinting options to help treat different injuries affecting the fingers, wrist and elbow. We make customised...
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At Melbourne Hand Rehab we offer a variety of splinting options to help treat different injuries affecting the fingers, wrist and elbow. We make customised...
Pre-season training is an exciting time for football players, but it also comes with injury risks especially to the hands and wrists. As a hand...
Are you having feelings of pain, stiffness, or noticing that your finger is locking? These could all be signs of a condition known as trigger...
What causes DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis and how hand therapy can help Hand therapy is an area of advanced practice for physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Practitioners of hand...
Our hand therapists use splints and braces to support an injured area after an accident, illness or operation. Custom made splints and braces are created...
Why is it important to exercise while in a cast? Fibreglass casts help to prevent movement and allow your injured bones to heal. Due to your...
Sports guard a win for Ultimate Frisbee player to attend National Championship In recognition of Hand Therapy Week, we are sharing stories about the importance of...
Fitness queen Tiff Hall finds way back to the gym after injuries In recognition of Hand Therapy Week, we are sharing stories about the importance of...
Ever wondered about the process of removing a cast? Hand therapists use splints, braces and casts to support an injured area after an accident, illness...