Don't let osteoarthritis hold you back campaign graphic

Living with osteoarthritis?

Don’t let osteoarthritis hold you back


People living with pain and osteoarthritis can be profoundly affected. It can significantly impact their daily activities which may include sleeping, going to work or even the household chores. This leaves many people depressed, frustrated, and unsure of how to manage the pain without being prescribed opioids for relief.

The APA (Australian Physiotherapy Association) is currently highlighting the effects of pain on people living with osteoarthritis in Australia and the importance of getting the right treatment.

Spotlight on osteoarthritis


Osteoarthritis (OA) refers to a painful joint condition that is the result of a number of movement, lifestyle and genetic factors that progress as you age. OA is the most common type of arthritis, affecting 9.3 per cent of Australians.

High-level evidence shows that exercise and physical activity are key to reducing inflammation and pain and improving function. Your therapist will help you to determine what level of activity is enough to challenge your body and your OA joint, but not enough to cause a flare in symptoms.


Don't let osteoarthritis hold you back information graphic

Download the APA Fact Sheet on osteoarthritis > HERE


For more information


Graphic promoting Melbourne Hand Rehab FREE Hand Therapy Webinar for Osteoarthritis Management

If you are experiencing finger, hand or wrist pain, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to help you.



For more information, call us directly on 03 9458 5166